Two Stage Urban Pest Management Treatment
Our team are continually looking at how we can adjust our services to meet the current needs of our clients, with the first of these being our most popular service, SWOT’s Urban Pest Management treatment, where clients can now elect to have their treatment completed over two stages effectively.
In the first stage our technician treats the exterior of the home including fencelines, entertaining areas, garages, garden sheds, outdoor furniture, pool areas, gardens, garbage bin, clotheslines, letterboxes, cubby houses, etc and also weep holes and subfloors. We can also access roof voids through garage “if available” with no contact to you.
This treatment will target up to 80% of the problem pests including large cockroaches, webbing spiders such as Red Back Spiders & Black House Spiders, keeping your family safe & pest free while enjoying your backyard. Our SWOT 6 Month Warranty still applies.
The second stage involves the completion of the treatment to the interior areas of your home (including the Termite Inspection if you normally do our ever popular annual Combo UPM/Termite Inspection ). Treated areas include all interior rooms of your home, bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms, living areas as well as the roof void of your home, targeting pests such as cockroaches, spiders, silverfish and ants (interior). We will be in touch to organise this once Government recommendations have eased.
Your annual price will remain the same as always and will be split across the two stages. Our SWOT 6 Month Warranty still applies for the Urban Pest Management Treatment.
The first stage, the full exterior treatment is only $170, and the second interior treatment stage simply the balance of your annual price. (Including Combo UPM/Termite Inspections if this applies to you)
Now is a great time to get your home prepared for the coming months, and our SWOT team is available to talk to you about how we can keep your home pest free. Call our office on 49543620 or email our team at hello@swotpest.com.